Internal NGO website on the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development, IAASTD
How can we reduce hunger and poverty, improve rural livelihoods, and facilitate equitable, environmentally, socially and economically sustainable development through the generation, access to, and use of agricultural knowledge, science and technology?
Webseite mit allen Hintergründen, dem vollständigen Text des Weltargrarberichts,
Grafiken, Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten und vielem mehr unter
Alte Seite mit
deutschen Texten zum Weltagrarbericht
New: The full
text of all reports in html - easy to search by page
November 2009: Grenpeace presents new report on the eve of FAO's
Food Summit
at a Crossroads: Food for Survival is the title of a
62 page summary of the main findings of the IAASTD, complemented with conclusions
and demands drawn from the report by Greenpeace International.
September 2009: Deutsche Bank shares IAASTD conclusions
A strategic forecast paper of "Deutsche Bank Research",
Germany's leading Bank's think tank, comprising main findings of recent agricultural
assessments and market reserach, has come to conclusions similar to the IAASTDs
main findings. The paper, entitled The
global food equation: Food security in an environment of increasing scarcity
recommends heavy investment in smallholder farmers and rural infrastructure
as well as public R&D in this field, an ecological adaptation of agriculture
and major institutional change.
September 2009: Open Letter of 90 CSO representatives
to the FAO
In an open
letter to the FAO CSO representatives from around the world expressed concern
that the World Food Organisation's
high level expert meeting "how to feed the world 2050" on October
12-13 2009 did not draw from the major groundwork conducted by the IAASTD and
was about to ignore the Assessment's key findings. In a response, Hafez Ghanem,
FAO Assistant Director-General assured the CSOs that the IAASTD was indeed taken
into account, would be presented at the meeting and was now linked to it's key
background documents.
September 2009: Global Conferences on Agricultural Research
for Development (GCARDs)
"Global Forum on Agricultural Research" GFAR is conducting an
electronic and regional face-to-face consultation process which is to culmanate
in a Global
Conferences on Agricultural Research for Development in March 2010 in Montpellier
in France and invites all interested stakeholders to participate.
August 2009: Worldbank Review and response by IAASTD director
Bob Watson
The Worldbank, not overly happy with the results of the IAASTD,
had commissioned an
independent evaluation of the process, co-ordinated by Howard Elliot, which
is now available online
IAASTD director Robert T. Watson in a letter
to the Bureau and funders outlines areas of fundamental disagreement
April 2008: Final IAASTD plenary in Johannesburg
calls for new agricultural revolution
Representatives of 61 governments, the Worldbank and all
UN Agencies, as well as about 50 NGOs were meeting 6 to 12 April 2008 in Johannesburg
for the final intergovernmental plenary of the IAASTD to find consensus on the
international and 5 subregional assessments. On Friday 11th 58 governments concluded
their line by line approval of the Summaries for Decisionmakers and
of a Synthesis Report and accepted the underlying 2000 pages of scientific
evidence in the assessment reports.
versions of the reports are available at
international and the regional Summaries for Decisionmakers
in 6 UN languages, press releases and a media advisory can be
downloaded from the
official website of the IAASTD
The best
overview is probably the International Synthesis
Full reports as adopted
of the Report in English,
by Robert T. Watson at UNEP in Washington D.C. March 3 2009
Guidance in a Time of Crisis: IAASTD and the Human Right to Food
Message from the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food,
Olivier de Schutter
UN CSD, New York, February 25th, 2009
Issue Briefings
The IAASTD has produced a series of Issue briefings, which
you can download here:
page summary leaflet
Security in a Volatile World
and markets
Health and Nutrition
Safety, Plant and Animal Health
Role of Institutions
and Biofuels
News Digest
articles in media and presentations
NGO papers
press statement of participating NGOs: A
new era of agriculture begins today
Action Network media advisory, website, background material
Action Network Agroecology
and Sustainable Development, Findings from the UN-led International Assessment
of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development, 4 p. Briefing,
May 2009
recommendations to G8 ag ministers meeting April 2009: Agriculture
at a crossroads
World Network: Rethinking
Agriculture, a summary, March 2009
Food group, Agriculture at a Crossroads: Implementing
the findings of the international agriculture assessment - IAASTD, 30 October
New paradigm for agriculture? At the"Planet
Diversity" Congress on the future of food and agriculture a wor
on the results of the IAASTD was held, which provided a diversity of useful
International press release 15 April 2008
contacts on IAASTD are
of the final plenary in Johannesburg in low quality are available here
Background papers
of key findings of the IAASTD by Robert T. Watson at the United nations
Economic and Social Council,July 2008
Ministère Française de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche:
L’IAASTD : une expertise internationale qui marque un changement de paradigme
pour l’agriculture et le développement
InfOGM: Les biotechnologies
modernes ne sont pas adaptées aux petits agriculteurs
Sovereignty and the Right to Live, Editorial of Development
51, December 2008
at a crossroads: a summary of the IAASTD findings by Patrick Mulvany
in Agriculture for Development, 3 2008
key findings of the IAASTD at a glance (short version)
page briefing and overview with quotes (from Greenpeace)
Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility (INES): The
IAASTD report and some of its fallout
a personal note by IAASTD author Dr. Angelika Hilbeck, ETH Zurich, Institute
of Integrative Biology, Zurich, Switzerland
of Development Studies: Global
Engagements with Global Assessments: The Case of the International Assessment
of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD),
by Ian Scoones, November 2008
Charts and tables
selection of charts and tables from the IAASTD are available at UNEPs
GRID Arendal collection of charts and graphics (see examples on the right)
is the IAASTD?
A United Nations process to identify the best available
and newly needed science, technology and knowledge to answer the question above.
Initiated by the World Bank in Johannesburg in 2002 this process started with
regional consultations in eleven regions of the world and was endorsed by a
Steering Committee of 40 representatives of governments and civil society in
2003. It was co-sponsored by the World Bank, UNEP, FAO, UNESCO, UNDP, WHO. Upon
the request of an intergovernmental plenary in September 2004 in Nairobi more
than 400 carefully selected scientists and experts produced a global and five
sub-regional assessments as well as a Synthesis Report which have been reviewed
in two consecutive rounds by hundreds of colleagues as well as institutions
and the public at large. The process was overseen by a multi-stakeholder Bureau
from governments and civil society.The Assessment was finally adopted by 58
participating governments in April 2008 in Johannesburg.
Signatory States: Armenia,
Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Cameroon,
People’s Republic of China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Democratic Republic of Congo,
Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Gambia, Ghana, Honduras,
India, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic,
Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Maldives, Republic of Moldova, Mozambique,
Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Philippines, Poland, Republic
of Palau, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Sweden,
Switzerland, United Republic of Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey,
Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain, Uruguay, Viet Nam, Zambia,
Non-Signatory States (though with warm words of support): United States
of America, Australia, Cananda
2003 - 2007 Concept, options, key findings, where we are, how to get involved
a summary and overview by Teopista, Kevin Akoyi (Vredeseilanden), October 2007
same document as powerpoint presentation
about the IAASTD on three pages
on the IAASTD by Director Robert T. Watson (2006)
The process is a UN multi governmental process, which means
the participating member states representatives make the final decisions and
adopt the final report. A multi-stakeholder Bureau of 60 persons representing
governments (30), civil society (22) and international institutions (8) has
been set up to oversee the process. The
Bureau elects 2 chairpersons and a Secretariat, controls the budget and agrees
upon the selection of experts and authors, facilitates the public outreach and
capacity building. The Chairpersons with the support of the Secretariat will
facilitate and organise the process.
of the Bureau
of Reference for IAASTD Bureau
of Donors
and Procedures of the IAASTD process
Past Meetings:
2nd public review of the Assessment
Drafts of the International and subregional Assessments
as well as the first draft of the summary for decision makers (the document
formally adopted by the participating governments) were available for review
until May 31 2007. They were substantially improved as compared to their first
Meeting of the Bureau in Washington D.C.
29 - 31. May 2007
of the bureau
of the Bureau in Costa Rica 1 - 4 November 2006
of the bureau
of the Secretariat on the state of the development at the IAAST Burea Meeeting
First review of the Assessment
The first draft was open for review and comments until September
2006 and is now being re-written by the authors. A second draft will be online
in March 2007.
Meeting in Montpellier
At its last meeting in Montpellier the Bureau of the
IAASTD adopted the outlines of the global and sub-regional assessments. The
revised global and remaining sub-regional outlines, the minutes of the Bureau
meeting, revised rules and procedures, timeline and budget are published at
the official web-site at
of approved decisions of the Bureau picture
of participants high
resolution (big)
18 - 22 July Scenarios Workshop
Rome, Italy
of Mark Rosegrant, IFPRI: Scenario
development for IAASTD
23-25 May Integrated (Global and Sub-Global)
design team, Montpellier, France
25-27 May Bureau meeting, Montpellier,
decisions, revised budget, revised global and sub-regional outlines, timetable
27-29 April Sub-global design
team Latin America and the Caribbean, San Jose,
of LAC Assessment
14-16 April Sub-global design
team North America/Europe, London, UK
of NAE Assessment
9-12 April, Sub-global design
team East/South Asia and the Pacific, Beijing, China
of ESAP Assessment
4-6 April Sub-global design
team Sub-Saharan Africa, Nairobi, Kenya
of SSA Assessment
8-11 February Central and
West Asia and North Africa, Rabat, Morocco.
of CWANA Assessment
30 January - 3 February,
Global Design Team, Bangkok, Thailand
92 specialists participated in the meeting in Bangkok. A draft annotated chapter
outline was developed -- this draft will be available later this month for comments
after review by the Bangkok team.
and annotated Chapters of the Global assessment
Kick-off in Nairobi
The first meeting of the parties (governments), the 5 co-sponsoring
UN agencies and the World Bank as well as civil society representatives took
place at the UNEP headquarter in Nairobi from August 30 to September 3rd 2004.
The government representatives (45 countries present) decided to go ahead with
the Assessment. They agreed on the content and scope of the Assessment and adopted
outlines and procedures, a time-table and a baseline-budget of US$ 10,7 Mio.
A Bureau consisting of 30 government representatives, 22 representatives of
civil society and 8 representatives of international institutions was established
to oversee the process. The two co-chairs identified by the Bureau will be
Hans Herren and Professor Judi
Wakhungu, the Director of the Secretariat is Robert Watson.
of the Nairobi Plenary 30. August - 3rd September
A Steering Committee
of 40 representatives from governments, agencies, industry, farmers and other
rural producers, consumers, environmental and other NGO's produced a basic document
calling for the International Assessment.
Final Report of the Steering Committee for the Consultative Process
on Agricultural Science and Technology (12 August 2003):
report on the final outcome by Benny Haerlin (August 2003)
Green Light for Global Study on Food Security (August 2003)
Contacts to
NGO representatives and Bureau Members
Kevin Akoyi, (IAASTD CSO Bureau Member from Uganda)
Vredeseilanden, Email: kevinakoyim[at]
Benny Haerlin ((IAASTD CSO Bureau Member from Germany)
Email: haerlin[at], Phone: + 49 173 9997555
Marcia Ishii-Eiteman, PhD (Lead Author, Global Report)
Pesticide Action Network North America (in US)
Email: mie[at], Office: +1-415-981-1771
Lim Li Ching (Lead Author, Asia report; note surname Lim)
Third World Network, Email: limliching[at]
Romeo Quijano, MD (IAASTD CSO Bureau member)
PAN Philippines, Email: romyquij[at]
Erika Rosenthal, LLD (Lead Author, Global & Synthesis Report;
Trade Theme)
Email: erosenthal[at], +1-202-742-5846
Patrick Mulvany (IAASTD CSO Bureau Member)
Practical Action, Email: patrickmulvany[at]
Juan Lopez Friends of the Earth International
Email: juanlopezvillar[at], Phone (Maputo): +258842420298
Jan Van Aken , Greenpeace Intl.
Email: jan.vanaken[at], Phone: +49 40 306 18-389
Luis Gomero (Lead Author, Latin America Regional report)
RAAA, Peru, Email: lgomero[at], Tel: +51 1 4257955